Monday, March 08, 2010

Through Tears...

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.
~Psalm 116:15

I believe that God is author of life and of death. I believe he ordains all things and that His will is ultimate. I believe that it is great gain for a believer to die. For families and loved ones left here, death doesn't always taste so sweet. Especially at first.

Just over a week ago, I learned that a gentleman that my family knows, my cousins' grandfather on their mother's side, passed away after some time of medical complications and deteriorating health. While I cannot count for you the number of years it had been since I had seen him or spent time with them, my heart was saddened by the loss. Perhaps because it made me one step closer, in my mind, to losing my own grandfather. Maybe it was simply the idea of weeping alongside my dad's family who I have not spent much time with over the last few years.

The service was small and very beautiful. The wind was blowing and the sky changed from blue to grey. Friends spoke of the way the life of the gentleman and how he cared for his family. My aunt, his daughter, shared about her father's example as a husband to her mother, and as a spiritual leader in their home by his faithfulness to pray. Men cried and shared about how he trained them in the fields to work and to be diligent. His family wept together and watched as his body was lowered into the earth. The county's Honor Guard stood by ready for their salute and when Taps was played, I'm not sure I could have held back my tears any longer.

I am grateful for my family. I'm so thankful to them for letting me share that day with them.
Thank you for opening your home to me on a day like that. Thank you for sharing your gift of hospitality and your hearts... and your hugs. I enjoyed our conversations and the laughter... and the tears.

I am grateful to God for the ways that death made me think about life.


Unknown said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you loosing someone is never easy.

Casey Chappell said...

interesting... I JUST checked your blog a few hours ago to see if you had written anything lately... even though I subscribe, I just wanted to make sure.

I'm sorry your family lost a loved one. But I loved reading your sweet and reflective words.

how the military honors their fallen is really special.

Thanks for sharing this.

I love you and I'm praying for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

perfectly done.

Christina said...

Wow... Great blog post. I believe it is a great gain as a believer as well. I remember my own experience with my great grandparents' deaths... and recently, the death of my grandmother's sister Annie. All three were strong Christians and I look forward to seeing them when I meet up with them on that "heavenly shore". It really gets me to think about it.

Chandana said...


Here's a blog that serves for your spiritual needs, and will surely be a blessing for you.

It has messages from the Holy Scriptures, taught by the Spirit of God.

These messages teach us how to have God in all the aspects of our lives and have God's rule over every matter :

Have a blessed reading and gladly write back if you need any prayer help.

God bless you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Nicole good to read some of your blogs. Tears are ok, words important and love essential for life in him. Found you by following next blog. Mine is Beauties of creation feel free to pay a visit. Dave.

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Herbal Diet said...

I liked your blog, I will wait for your next post. Thanks!

Jaime Leigh said...

This is touching...I just lost my Uncle in March he was more like a Grandfather...He lived nexted door to my parents. he was 89, but died suddenly of a heart attack...everyday I miss him...everyday I want to tell him what he meant to this family! he was a believer which makes it easier, but I still miss him dearly! So thanks for this blog it was good to hear others thoughts on grief. Blessing to you and yours!

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